Dancing on my toes

Typical Reasons Why Your Child Could Start Complaining About Foot Pain

You may associate foot pain with adults since this age group is routinely exposed to factors that would provoke this comfort such as working out, being an athlete, blue-collar work and even just ageing! However, children are just as susceptible to foot problems and generalised pain for innumerable reasons. Whatever the cause, it is paramount to ensure that you do not brush off their complaints but instead seek professional help as soon as possible so that any potential problem can be caught early. Below are just two typical reasons why your child could start complaining about foot pain.

Your child is flatfooted

Flatfeet is a common condition that children and adults alike contend with. It comes about when the foot does not develop its natural arch, so it can be diagnosed quite early in life. The main reason why kids develop flat feet is due to their genetics. However, this condition can come about later on in life after physical trauma that damages the natural arch. For some kids, flat feet will not have any impact on their quality of life. In other children, though, the flat feet can lead to chronic foot pain at either the arch or the heel.

When your child is active, this pain can become accentuated and will negatively affect their playtime. Fortunately, flat feet are easy to diagnose and most kids will outgrow them. Thus, if this is the cause of foot pain, all you would need to do is see a podiatrist and they will likely prescribe heel stretching exercises as well as insoles to help mitigate the pain when they are on their feet. If your kid does not outgrow the flatfeet and this leads to chronic foot pain, you may want to consider podiatric surgery later on to remedy the issue.

Your child has developed Achilles tendonitis

The Achilles tendon functions to connect one's calf muscle and heel. Thus, it is tasked with enabling you to launch your foot when you walk or run. Amateur and professional athletes that engage in regular running, pivoting and jumping, for example, basketball players, tend to be highly vulnerable to this condition due to the repetitiveness. Nonetheless, even if your kid does not engage in competitive sports, their propensity to jump, run, dance and expose their legs to vigorous activities does put them at risk of developing this type of foot pain.

Achilles tendonitis will typically manifest as warmth in your child's heel but you may also notice swelling and pain when they walk. Visiting a podiatrist as soon as possible will ensure they receive anti-inflammatory meds to ease the swelling and discomfort. Take note that while RICE therapy can reduce the symptoms, you still need professional diagnosis and treatment to ensure it does not become a chronic condition for your kid.
